Essay – Social Media Behavior, Toxic Masculinity, and Depression

Currently, the world is very connected with everything related to digital and the internet. Every year we are certainly treated to various innovations and new advances in the field of information technology. In the last decade, the progress of the internet has occurred so rapidly. We really are moving from the time when internet access … Continue reading Essay – Social Media Behavior, Toxic Masculinity, and Depression

Accepting New Ideas Is the Key to Grow

In today's rapidly developing world, the dissemination of information is one of the phenomena that occurs so quickly and widely.  The main factor that became the basis for the phenomenon of spreading information so quickly and widely is the advancement of internet technology and the digital world. Along with the dissemination of this information, many … Continue reading Accepting New Ideas Is the Key to Grow

Essay – Climate Change, A Serious Threat.

Climate change is the most important issue of our time, and we are at a critical juncture, and it is already having an influence on our planet in ways we can't imagine (Rubin, 2019). Temperatures are continuing to rise over the world, and we are seeing unprecedented shifts in precipitation patterns. Climate change's effects are … Continue reading Essay – Climate Change, A Serious Threat.

Essay – Mental Health in Indonesia

Kesehatan jiwa merupakan hal yang sebenarnya perlu lebih diperhatikan di Indonesia, namun ironisnya masih menjadi hal yang tabu di kalangan masyarakat. Masalah kesehatan mental sebenarnya sangat umum terjadi pada semua orang, terutama di kota-kota yang sangat pedesaan dengan banyak bisnis yang dapat menyebabkan lebih banyak stres dan mengarah pada masalah kesehatan mental. Namun karena masih … Continue reading Essay – Mental Health in Indonesia

Information Security Problem in Indonesia

Information Security is the attempt in the cyber world to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording, or destruction of information, basically to protect information from cyberattacks intended to misuse it. Information security is still a complicated problem in Indonesia because the security of digital data and information in the cyber world is … Continue reading Information Security Problem in Indonesia

Series Review – Loki Season 1

Loki Offical Poster Speechless, is the only word that comes to mind while describing the first season of Loki. Season one of Loki, produced by Kate Herron and starring Tom Hiddleston as the devious titular character, continues the antics of the trickster deity following the events of Avengers: Endgame. Loki is planned to lead into … Continue reading Series Review – Loki Season 1

Facility for People with Disabilities in Indonesia

A disability is defined as any condition that makes a person experience more difficulties in order to do certain things, activities, or effectively interact with the environment around them. In Indonesia, people with disabilities are still an issue that triggers many responses from various people. As far as I am concerned, the handling of people … Continue reading Facility for People with Disabilities in Indonesia

Intoleransi Di Indonesia

Sebagai negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman ras, suku bangsa, agama, dan berbagai perbedaan lainya, Indonesia sudah sejak lama berada ditengah isu intoleransi yang begitu sensitif. Masyarakat Indonesia tentu sudah familiar dengan berbagai isu intoleransi yang ada di Indonesia selama ini, dan bahkan sudah banyak contoh peristiwa yang terjadi yang dilandasi oleh isu intoleransi. Misalnya salah satu … Continue reading Intoleransi Di Indonesia